Reverend Charles Wright
Great is the Lord and He is worthy to be praised! I would like to take a moment and praise God for His Grace and Mercy. For I realize in the hands of the Father, sinners become saints, failures become victories, and the common is made holy. As a gifted potter fashions shapeless clay into a work of art, God can sculpt us into more than we ever imagined when we yield our lives to His gentle touch.
God’s Word is always successful in accomplishing its objective. And what objective is that? Very simply it’s the transformation of our lives and the building up of the Lord’s church. My motivation for ministry has always been the miracle of “seeing lives change.” The Word of God is what has changed and continues to change my life. My greatest desire as a Pastor/Preacher/Teacher is to see lives transformed through the hearing and doing of the Word of God. The Lord has shown me that my labor is not in vain.
God’s Word is always successful in accomplishing its objective. And what objective is that? Very simply it’s the transformation of our lives and the building up of the Lord’s church. My motivation for ministry has always been the miracle of “seeing lives change.” The Word of God is what has changed and continues to change my life. My greatest desire as a Pastor/Preacher/Teacher is to see lives transformed through the hearing and doing of the Word of God. The Lord has shown me that my labor is not in vain.
Pastor Charles Wright & Evangelist Peggy Wright